Saturday, March 22, 2008

DynaSCAPE and DynaSCAPE Color

At BYU-Idaho we use DynaSCAPE Design to draft all of our project. In the past two years I have used it a lot and have become very efficient at it. This is an example of some of my work on DynaSCAPE, I recently did this backyard design in my advanced design class.
Here is an example of the above design rendered in DynaSCAPE color.
This is another simple design that I did in DynaSCAPE Color.

Color Rendering

These are some more of my designs that I rendered while at school.

This design was hand drafted and rendered.

This design was drafted on DynaSCAPE Design, and then hand rendered.

Early Rendering

These are some examples of my early rendering skills. I have included these to show the improvements that I have made in color rendering during my education.

Summer Internship

Summer 2007 I had the opportunity to be the BYU-Idaho Thomas E. Ricks Gardens and green house intern. I learned many valuable skills during this time and really enjoyed the experiences that I had.

This is the newest addition to our disply gardens. It is a formal english design with a reflecting pool in the middle. I was able to maintain and work on the construction of this project.

This is one of the large water feature that I maintained.

These are some pictures of the gardens and a paver patio that I was able to work on during the summer.